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"The Five Rs of Creative Nonfiction" Lee Gutkind


"How Not to Write A Book Review" Robert Pinsky


"Daddy" Linda Nevin: exquisite brief essay


JC Hallman's "On Repetition" @ The Millions


Joyce Carol Oates's 1988 use of the term Pathography, in a NYT review, to describe vindictive biographies


"Character in Nonfiction" Donald Morrill


A Dialogue between Joyce Carol Oates and Meghan O'Rourke Memoir & Grief


Sarah Gorham's beautiful essay "The Art of Lying"


Daniel Mendelsohn's review of Ben Yagoda's Memoir: A History in The New Yorker January 25, 2010 But Enough About Me


Marion Winik's article, Los Angeles Times: The Pitfalls of One's Recall


Fascinating New York Times's Blog: "The Memoir and Children's Privacy"


My Favorite Blog: Richard Gilbert's "Narrative"

Contact Thomas Larson Print E-mail

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I offer manuscript evaluation at $7.00 per page. My minimum is 50 pages, and I typically do between 75 and 100 pages whether it's a rough draft or a full-length work. This includes in-depth analysis of the writing (voice, narrative technique, self-disclosure, and structure), summary notes, and a phone or in-person consultation.

My fee as a writing coach or a ghostwriter, which involves working with a tape recorder, is $150 to $175 per hour, whichever one the client chooses. (A sliding scale is available for those in financial need, no questions asked.)

If the project involves editing a finished manuscript, then I charge $700 per 100 pages as a line editor, correcting grammar, punctuation, and format.

I'm also available to lecture/teach at colleges and public forums, writing centers and private groups (Zooming as necessary); two-hour, all-day, and week-long writing workshops in creative nonfiction and memoir; faculty development programs in writing and teaching memoir; and brief residency writing programs.

In addition, I can speak about heart disease and writing about illness and recovery with medical societies and groups as well as to discuss orchestral jazz and the music of Samuel Barber in colleges, at conferences, and with music societies and groups.