Memoir Book

The Memoir and the Memoirist:

Reading and Writing Personal Narrative

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"Paraphrase, or Writer With Child." Essay. Assay. April 1, 2024.

"Why I'm Saying No to Self-Publishing." Zero Readers. March 31, 2024.

"Mine Ears Have Heard the Glory." Essay. The Ilford Review. March 22, 2024.

"Dudes to Dads." Cover Story. San Diego Reader. February 14, 2024.

"The Writer-On-Writer Memoir." AWP Writer's Chronicle. February 1, 2024.

"Bestseller Reparations." Review of American Fiction. Quillette. January 24, 2024.


Spirituality and the Writer: A Personal Inquiry Swallow Press / Read an Excerpt

The Memoir & the Memoirist: Still Selling in its Sixteenth Year.


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